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LinkedIn Tips: Optimising Your Profile For Recruiters

LinkedIn is the no.1 professional social networking site that brings millions of job seekers, recruiters and hiring companies together. If you’re a tech professional looking for a new job, LinkedIn’s Jobs service can help you find your next role. However, a well-tailored CV showing employers that your the best person for the role may not be enough to land an interview as 9 out of 10 employers use LinkedIn as part of the hiring process.

LinkedIn Tips for Tech Professionals

Your LinkedIn profile says a lot about how you present yourself. It showcases your work experience, skills, interests, certifications, and more. 1st-degree connections can make recommendations and endorse your skills to enhance credibility. You can share posts, make connections and interact with other tech professionals. Potential employers have full visibility of this, so having an attractive profile can really make a difference! Here are our LinkedIn tips:

Professional Imagery

Your profile photo should not be the same photo used on other social networking sites. It should be a good quality photo with smart attire and a plain background.

Upload your own cover image that promotes ‘you’.  There are free design tools online, like Canva, which has LinkedIn banner templates to help you create something visually appealing. Or you can opt for a relevant photograph – something that reflects your skills or profession.

Profile Updates

Ensure that your basic information contains specific keywords relative to your profession. Engineers, developers, IT experts may want to mention current projects, coding languages and frameworks (Python, Javascript, etc.) in descriptions. This will populate your profile with relevant keywords that Recruiters will use to filter potential candidates on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn profiles appear in Google search results, so if a potential employer searches for you during their pre-checks, they should see an up-to-date and engaging page.

List Technical Skills

You can add up to 50 skills to your page to show recruiters and hiring managers what your areas of expertise lie. LinkedIn will make suggestions based on your profile, but you should add specific terms to show your specialisation. For example, “Full Stack Engineer” is a more valuable keyword than “Web Developer”.

Opt to take LinkedIn Skill Assessments to demonstrate knowledge of your skills. Technical subjects range from MySQL, C++ and C# to Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Power BI. If you pass, you will be awarded a badge on your public profile. This could help set you apart from competition.

Request Recommendations

You can request recommendations from any of your 1st-degree connections to endorse your skillset. LinkedIn Recommendations are testimonials from colleagues, previous employers or other technical professionals that you’ve worked with. These give an insight in to projects you’ve worked on, your skills set, and your work ethic.

Network, network, network!

Engaging with others and sharing your own content will help you get noticed by other industry professionals and build your connections. You can also request to connect with people you know to help build your network.

Show potential employers that you are a great advocate by engaging with posts from your current company’s LinkedIn profile.

Join networking groups within your industry and contribute to form discussions. Show off your expertise and add value where you can. Your activity will be shared on your profile.

LinkedIn Jobs

With 8 people hired every minute LinkedIn, it is a great way to search for jobs.

Under the Jobs tab, you can use the Resume Builder to create an up-to-date CV, set up job alerts and browse recommended jobs based on your profile.

As an IT recruitment agency, we can help you find your dream tech job with a top business in Europe. We’ll be there every step of the way, offering our expert advice and negotiating on your behalf. Contact us to find out how we can help you take the next step in your career.

You can also follow our LinkedIn page  for more job search tips and career advice.

Mastering Tech Interviews: 6 Preparation Tips

Multi-stage Interview Process

Successful career advancement hinges on effective interview preparation. In the tech industry, where the interview process is both extensive and challenging, mastering the art of tech interview preparation is essential. With the rise of hybrid and remote tech jobs, candidates now compete globally. Hiring managers emphasise the need for thorough evaluation, leading to a multi-stage interview process:

  1. Initial Evaluation:
    • Conducted through a phone or video interview to assess personality, experiences, and qualifications.
  2. Technical Assessment:
    • In-depth examination of coding skills and problem-solving abilities.

6 Tips for Interview Preparation

Tip 1: Research the Company:

Whether you’re applying for the role of a Data Scientist, Software Engineer, or Web Developer, it’s crucial to thoroughly research the company. This is because it will not only help you craft meaningful questions for your interview but also assist you in determining if the company aligns with your career goals.

Delve into the company website to learn about their products, services, customer demographics, and competitors. Furthermore, you can uncover valuable information about the company through various channels:

  • Social Media: A company’s social media accounts serve as a window into its culture, activities, and achievements. By perusing these platforms, you can gain a better understanding of the company’s values and priorities as reflected in their public shares.
  • LinkedIn: Explore recent hires, promotions, vacancies, and company statistics. This platform can also provide details about your interviewer, including their job and career background. Are there any common links that could facilitate building rapport, such as mutual connections or shared interests?
  • GlassDoor: This platform allows current and former employees to share candid feedback about their interview experiences, salaries, work environment, and company culture anonymously.
  • Google and Google News: A broader search may reveal the company’s expansion plans or recent partnerships. This knowledge is invaluable for gauging the company’s growth and overall success.

Tip 2. Answering Tech Interview Questions:

To enhance your readiness for the tech interview, delve into common IT interview questions online and practice answering them. Employ the STAR method to structure your responses, spotlighting accomplishments and your value.

Most interviewers will start with an opening question about your background and experiences, gradually progressing on to more technical questions. Here’s how you should structure your answers to opening questions:

  • The Past: Summarise your academic background and relevant work experience. How did you get to where you are now?
  • The Present: What is your current role? What are your top accomplishments? Be sure to highlight main responsibilities and key achievements.
  • The Future: What are you looking to do next? Why are you interested in the position? Express your aspirations, outlining what you aim to achieve and what you can bring to the table.

Tip 3. Mastering Behavioural Interview Techniques:

A behavioural interview is a type of interview which assesses your past behaviour in order to predict your suitability for the job.

While your resume may highlight specific experiences, the details often require more context for relevance. This is where your storytelling skills becomes invaluable in articulating your past achievements effectively.

Use previous experiences as examples of how you address situations relating to conflict resolution, impact-driven projects, and contributions to an inclusive work environment.

Check out our short video with tips on how to master behavioural interviews to help you get ready for a tech interview.

3 Examples of Behavioural Interview Questions:

  • Can you describe a time when you had a conflict with someone at work? What did you do?
  • Tell me a time when you helped build a more inclusive working environment. What problems were you trying to address?
  • How do you balance focusing on your day to day tasks without losing track of the long term vision?

Tip 4: Prepare Questions for the Interviewer

Prepare a few technical questions and generic questions that you can ask your interviewer. For example, you may want to find out what coding languages they use, ongoing projects, and team dynamics.

Some examples of generic interview questions:

Asking this question enables you to learn as much about the role as possible.  It will give you an idea of what the employer’s expectations are, and what skills and experience are needed.

The people you work with will inevitably impact your workplace experience, so it’s in your best interest to find out more about the team. Note down names of people you will be reporting to and working with so that you can do your own research later on

Asking this question will give you an insight in to the type of working environment, work-life balance and benefits on offer.

Enquiring about development opportunities shows the interviewer that you’re serious about your career and committed to a future with the organisation. It will also help you to assess whether a long-term career with the company is a possibility.

Asking about future plans reiterates your commitment to the company. The response you receive will give you an insight into the company’s progression plans and its place in the market, and a general idea about job security. You may also get a heads-up on any major upcoming projects.

5. Setting a Professional Impression:

Ensuring a polished appearance is vital in any interview setting, be it in-person or remote. This practice not only establishes a positive impression of your professionalism but also plays a pivotal role in aligning your mindset for a successful interview.

If uncertainty about the acceptable dress code arises, proactively seek guidance from the recruiter. This attention to detail showcases your commitment to presenting yourself in the best possible light and is a valuable aspect of effective tech interview preparation tips.

6. Practicing Mock Interviews for Skills Enhancement:

Regular practice is the key – especially in the realm of job interviews. Engage in mock interviews to fine-tune your personal skills, including effective communication and adept problem-solving.

When it comes to developing your technical skills in Computer Science and coding, consider tapping into online resources like LeetCode, HackerRank, Codewars, and FreeCodeCamp. Articulate your thought process and decision-making out loud as you tackle each problem—this practice will offer valuable insights into your problem-solving approach, a key aspect that interviewers keenly assess.

Incorporating these tech interview tips into your preparation routine can significantly boost your readiness for the challenges ahead. As your recruitment partner, we’ll be there each step of the way too!

More Guides

Women writing CV on mac

5 CV Tips To Get Noticed

CV Tips: How to get noticed by recruiters

Your CV (which stands for Curriculum Vitae) is your biggest opportunity to land an interview for your dream job. But what makes a good CV? A good CV should highlight your skills, achievements, experiences and qualifications, and show recruiters and potential employers that you’re the ideal person for the job.

Presenting your best self on paper can be tough. In this article, we will be sharing our CV tips to help you stand out and increase your chances of a job interview.

1. Tailor your CV for each job position

Tailor your CV to each job you apply for to maximise your chances of being shortlisted by recruiters, employers, and Applicant Tracking Systems.

Applicant Tracking Systems (or ATS) are used by larger companies to automate the screening process. ATS scans hundreds of CVs for specific keywords and shortlists ones that are a match.

Read through the job description and take note of the keywords and key skills mentioned, include relevant ones in your personal statement, work experiences and skills section. This will help optimise your CV for search engines, so that you are easily found by recruiters and employers.

2. Write a strong personal statement

Recruiters spend a mere 6 seconds reviewing a CV to determine suitability before moving on to the next. Your personal statement or opening statement is a career summary at the top of the page that summarise your character and career goals. Here’s how to write a strong personal statement:

Include your most relevant achievement in your personal statement – this immediately conveys success and portrays you in a positive light.

Mention personal and professional achievements under work experiences, instead of listing responsibilities. This could help you land an interview so that the employer can learn more about you.

  • Personal achievements: receiving an award, winning a competition, volunteering, achieving high grades in studies
  • Professional achievements: saved the company time and money, increased performance, met and exceeded work targets

Remember to include metrics to help communicate success to the reader, see our next tip.

3. Mention KPIs and achievements

Position your experiences underneath your personal statement. Ensure an accurate description of your employment history, prioritising the most recent work at the top. Additionally, adhere to the two-page limit, and use bullet points to keep things clear and concise.

Transitioning to the next section, emphasise accomplishments over duties. Steer clear of a merely listing your job responsibilities. Instead, showcase your positive impact by incorporating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Present noteworthy results in numerical or percentage form, providing a comprehensive view with time frames, scale, and outcomes.

By effectively communicating success, quantifying achievements, and aligning with measurable metrics, you enhance your likelihood of securing an interview. This strategic approach sets you apart and strengthens your candidacy.

4. Describe your skills with action verbs

Strengthen your CV by using action verbs in your list of accomplishments.

What is an action verb?

It’s a verb that conveys doing.

Take an IT professional, for instance; they might opt for powerful, industry-specific verbs like “configured,” “engineered,” or “converted.”

The objective is to persuade the recruiter that you’re the right fit for the position.

Using action verbs at the beginning of sentences makes your contribution clear and impactful and can increase the reader’s interest.

If you’re unsure about integrating action verbs into your CV and interviews, explore Indeed’s Career Guide featuring over 150 examples!

5. Choose a professional CV format

Finally, our last CV tip: first impressions count.

Your CV should be concise and neatly formatted so that recruiters and ATS can find what they are looking for. We recommend creating a CV in Word or in PDF format as both offer readability and are ATS-friendly.

Before you start applying for jobs, check that your personal information is up-to-date and consistent with your LinkedIn profile. Any inaccuracies between the two sends a red flag to recruiters!

Find tech jobs in the European market

Find out how a recruiter can help boost your job search.

Our goal is not only to meet the needs and demands of our clients, we also support candidates throughout the recruitment process. Once you join our talent network, we become your representative.

We help all our candidates with CV writing tips, interview preparation, and more. Furthermore, we offer ongoing support throughout your career, so if anything was to change, you have a recruitment partner you can rely on.

Visit our Candidates page to find out more or submit your CV to

Tell me more

Training Overview


Recruitment Consultant Ellie Minns gives us an overview of the training provided by Jonathan Rhys.

For more information on our current vacancies, please visit our Careers page.


Hi, my name's Ellie and I'm a Consultant at Jonathan Rhys Recruitment.

In regards to training, what happened when you first joined? 

So, before my first day at Jonathan Rhys, Adam kindly sent me over some key points, that I could do some revision on so that I was familiar with the basics of the IT industry.

From my first day onwards, Adam provided extensive 1-2-1 training sessions but broken down into short sessions, so that I wasn't bombarded with too much information at once. He would then build on this each session, always relaying questions back to me, so that he could ensure that I understood what we were going through.

How did the training benefit you personally?

If it wasn't for the training that Jonathan Rhys provided, some aspects of the role could have seemed really daunting or complicated but with each session, breaking it down into simple steps, I was then able to digest all of this information and then put my own twist on things when I went back to my desk to work.

What advice would you give anyone looking to join?

Regardless of your recruitment experience, if any, with the simplistic training that Jonathan Rhys provides, you'll be on the right step to success from the very first day of joining, and then the training is always there whenever you need it, regardless of how long you've been at the company for.

Company Vision for 2022

Partner and Managing Director Adam Pighini explains the company vision for Jonathan Rhys in 2022.

For more information on our current vacancies, please visit our Careers page.

How was 2021 for the company?

"2021 was a really successful year for the company. We had some amazing individual achievements but I think that maybe our biggest achievement was the fact that we were able to grow and bring through some young consultants, who had very limited experience before joining us, within recruitment.

We had three individuals who were able to achieve their first promotion within six months, so it does show that not only have we got some great individual talent but it also shows that as a company, we are able to help people develop and kick start their recruitment careers, which I think really important for the growth of Jonathan Rhys Recruitment."

What is the company vision for 2022?

Organic growth and emphasising a low staff turnover

"Organic growth and emphasising a low staff turnoverFor 2022, Jon and I have set out a bit of a plan to grow the company. Although, we do want to do this organically and we want to do this in the right way. We're very conscious not to have a high staff turnover to ensure that everyone we bring into the business, comes in with the idea of genuinely being here for the long-term, and progressing their career within this company.

We want to get the sales floor that we have, filled up. We've got capacity for twenty people at the moment. Currently, there are twelve consultants on the floor, and the idea would be that hopefully by the end of this year, we have eighteen to twenty consultants on the floor, that are all more than capable of looking after customers and delivering to our accounts."

Can you tell us more about the roles currently available within the team?

"We're hiring across the board for multiple positions. We are looking for people that want to kickstart their recruitment career, perhaps looking at graduates who are a little unsure about the direction to take their career or people who have worked within sales, who want to be rewarded better for their effort.

Furthermore, we're looking for experienced consultants who we feel that there is a real gap in the market for. People that want an opportunity that can give them all the financial rewards that they would expect to see in London, but they're closer to home. More importantly, the ability to cut costs of extensive travel, and achieve a better work/life balance."

Join us and be part of a company vision that values work-life balance and financial rewards. Follow us on LinkedIn for updates.

Maintain Employee Trust Over Profit

During these challenging times, we've observed a significant slowdown in recruitment across various companies, resulting in 60% fewer job opportunities than our usual intake. In the midst of this crisis, it becomes increasingly vital to ensure our candidates not only stand out but also navigate these uncertain times successfully.

Amidst the international business slowdown, we've identified a unique opportunity to foster genuine engagement and build employee trust on a more authentic and personal level. At this juncture, we are dedicating our efforts to understanding the long-term aspirations of both our clients and candidates, further solidifying the foundation of trust. We invite everyone to join us in this endeavor.

As we anticipate a shift in perspectives post-crisis, companies will be remembered and valued for their support and development of staff during these challenging times. The emphasis on stability within businesses will be more pronounced than ever before. Our commitment is to enhance employee trust for individuals entering new positions and to provide clients with a pool of skilled and dedicated candidates adept at navigating evolving business landscapes effectively.

If you, like many others, are feeling uncertain about your employment or wish to discuss your next steps openly, we encourage you to reach out to us via our contact form. Follow our LinkedIn for industry updates, as we collectively navigate this uncharted territory. Let's connect and support one another, building a foundation of employee trust that will endure beyond these unprecedented times.